Monday, March 24, 2008

The dragon head is said to be made of hospital trays, cut and hammered of course. Jim Bishop, Castle Builder, comes from a family of ornamental ironworkers (I think that is the proper title), and it really gives the castle an extra dimension. The castle reminds me of some of Gaudi's work, unbridled creativity, industry and attention to detail.

Ana climbed all the way to the domed top, she called it the Epcot dome, it reminds me of those things that motorcycles circumnambulate inside at top speeds. One of the tibits of information I found on the internet said something about being able to run in it to make it spin, I'll have to ask Ana how stablized it was.

Ana said the young couple that were up there when she was were using some bad words, like the girl was saying "I'm going to piss my pants!!!!"

Emma hit the ground while on one stairway when she looked down and saw all the winding steps. She just shorted out and fell to her knees and hands. Climbing around the castle isn't something for the faint-hearted, as far as heights go. The bridge between the two towers looked totally scary to me, even with its hand rail. It probably didn't help that there was a strong, cold wind blowing at us as we climbed.


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