These and the labyrinth below are from the Sanctuary, which is a building on a corner of land at the intersection of two rural roads near us. There used to be a one room schoolhouse there where the ranchers' children were taught. It became really dilapidated and people began to throw old tires around it. Eventually someone bought the land and came up with the idea to make a little spot of harmony there. There's the meditation room (pix above) and a really nice bathroom with herbal soap, a nice mirror and an automatic blow dryer. Also in the building is a little library with books you can check out.
Outside is the gazebo, and then throughout the park area is a path, a few little bridges, and meditation sites--like a Native American medicine wheel, the labyrinth, geometrical shapes, etc.
There are little nooks with benches for sitting and arbors. The altar at the center of the labyrinth has little treasures people have left. And people place pretty rocks, shells, crystals, windchimes and buddha figures in spots all over the area.
There's a sign by the sanctuary building that says, "Come in Peace, Leave in Peace"
Some money is donated from the Colorado Lottery and GOCO to pay for the materials and upkeep, there are donors and it seems that all the groundwork is done by local volunteers. It's really a nice place to stop at and take a little walk.
Nice! There's another place like this, near where we live in Washington. It's on Whidbey Island and is called Earth Sanctuary. Great place to spend a day.
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