Tuesday, August 14, 2007


This morning before getting out of bed (the skunk odor worked like an alarm clock) I read an article in the most recent Atlantic about Karl Rove (written before his resignation).

Like the mean girls I mentioned earlier, he's a perfect example in his approach to campaigning by creating and exacerbating division between parties in order to unite and strengthen his party. It works to win an election, but in the machinations of D.C. power brokering, he didn't take into account the alliances needed from both parties, and the respect and decorum to be afforded to members of congress and his opponents to make the big neoconservative and realignment changes he had theorized he could effect.

If 9/11 hadn't happened he'd be a lot worse off than he was in his grab for a power shift. That tragedy gave the administration an almost blank ticket to react with whatever means they could fathom, regardless of human rights.

Unfortunately, if we had had a stronger leader, Rove and Cheney wouldn't have had free reign to selfishly push through their agendas which have been so detrimental to our country and the world.

Personality helps in leadership, but when are we going to learn that experience, intelligence, and respect for others are more important?


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