1. Trying to live simply and not impress people by displays of wealth or ostentatiousness. (Not that we have a lot of wealth to display).
2. Recycle no. 1 and 2 plastics, mail, paper, cardboard, glass and cans.
3. Get our news online.
4. Never have the heat on higher than 65 (except when old people visit) and off at night in the winter
5. Built a trombe wall in the bathroom for solar heat in the winter to keep the pipes from freezing when the heat's off.
6. Using concrete blocks filled with styrofoam peanuts for our bathroom and laundry room foundations to help insulate the water pipes. Dave used scrap styrofoam sheets left over from construction sites to line the inner walls of the foundations as well.
And he covered the pipes with insulation.
7. Driving small stationwagons with good mileage, we need four wheel drive but Subaru helps out with that. Our trip to South Dakota only took one tank of gas to get there, one during the week we were there, and one tank to drive back, even though it was a couple of states away.
8. Only one works and the other stays home to care for children so we aren't both commuting and paying for day care, and our children know there's someone there.
9. Wash clothes with cold water.
10. Have a lawn that's only big enough for the dog to roll on his back, water by hand, and when it gets really hot let it basically go dormant. Also using a push mower for cutting the grass. It's good for the leg and arm muscles.
11. The water we use goes back to the ground or the septic system and is filtered back to the land.
12. Using water from our well that is not chlorinated.
13. Xeriscaping other areas of the courtyard, letting everything outside the courtyard go natural.
14. Trying to eat more vegetables, fruits and beans and cutting down on meat consumption.
15. Composting organic matter trash, including gardening scraps.
16. Using solar lights outside.
17. Using those squiggly lights inside.
18. Getting our pets spayed and neutered.
19. Eating leftovers.
20. Wearing clothes until they wear out, the ones the girls outgrow go to recycling.
21. Using chipped dishes even though it's bad feng shui.
22. Not littering, and picking up trash of others.
23. Choosing vacations that don't require air flights (we did fly to Florida for Dave's father's funeral).
24. Reading, listening and watching, books, cds and dvds from the library.
25. Taking advantage of our neighbors' generosity in letting us use their greenhouse and eating food from it which is pretty darn local.
26. Using a water restricting faucet in the shower and a low flush toilet.
27. Dave moved his office 25 miles closer to home to avoid the longer commute.
28. Adopting children and pets who need homes.
I know this might sound self-righteous but maybe it might help others with suggestions. Also, any suggestions from others would be appreciated. If we all do our own little steps, we can make a big effect.