Tuesday, September 05, 2006


The three day weekend was great. We had rain on Saturday, but that was fine because we were cleaning and shopping for company. Then Sunday they came, we had a great hike, the weather was sunny but a little cooler, we had a clean house and good company. Monday we still had a clean house and got to rest and eat great leftovers,

The hike was a little embarrassing because the owner of the property we were going to walk on showed up, but he was very gracious in letting us go ahead to see the view.

I'm still a little stiff and sore, so I think Jake and I will go for another hike today to loosen up. His nail or claw was torn off one toe, while climbing a rock, but he seems to be okay. W bought some spray for him that takes away pain and keeps the wound clean. I don't think we'll do any rock climbing today so he won't have extra pressure on it.

Today we still have a clean house (almost).


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