Today Ember came to visit Ana and Emma and the four of us went down to the creek to wade and look for fish. We took Jake, our dog, with us to protect us from mountain lions. We caught one little fish and found one dead fish that looked like a brook trout that was about four or five inches long. After we photographed the little fish we caught, I mean Ana caught (she wanted to make sure she got the credit) we released it alive back where we found it.
The creek is very low, hopefully we will get more rain as it seems our snow pack is or almost depleted. That means, according to our neighbor Page, who was riding an atv on the road and exercising his two bull terriers, Hadji and Gypsy, the fish are reproducing as quickly as possible before it dries up too much for survival. I noticed on the way back that the choke cherries are forming very quickly too. Hope the bears are able to store up enough for next winter before it gets too dry.
On the way back I noticed the cactus blooming by our driveway and took a shot of the beautiful yellow blossom. Now the girls are playing school and I thought I'd share the day. That way Ember's folks can log on and see what we did.
I can only upload one photo per post, so I'll publish this, and then add the cactus as well as the fish on the next posts.
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