We had one day of no snow after Christmas, then it snowed again all day on Thursday. I took these photos yesterday, from inside where it was warm, so they'll look a little blurry from shooting through windows.
Everything looked kind of marshmallowy and mushroomy with the fluffy white snow piled on top of things outside. There's a shot way up on the hill across from us of the rock formation that looks like a sage or monk. He's covered in snowflakes.
Also there's a shot of our cat seeing the birds coming for seed on our porch and wishing he could be out there, but knowing it's so cold he shakes his paws at the front door and turns around deciding not to go out.
When I drove yesterday to pick up Emma's friend Daniel for a play date the snow at the top of the road that takes us out of the valley and down to the plains had snow on the sides of the road as high at the drive up mail boxes.
The road snow plower does a great job, Dave stopped him on Christmas morning when he plowed around six a.m. and gave him a bag of the freshly baked chocolate chip cookies he and Emma had baked the day before. Rumor had it when I lived in Evergreen that you were supposed to leave a bottle of whiskey for the snow plower on your fence post, but these days we don't want them to get a DUI while driving.
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