This weekend I'm taking care of many, many llamas (over 20), some birds, rabbits, cats and a dog.
While driving home from the morning feedings and waterings we noticed that someone on the winding road at the top of the hill above our house had placed their carved pumpkins on stumps away from all the houses. It looked really neat, so when we go back to let the dog in for the night we're going to take our two and find a nice spot for them.
I'm sure the animals will appreciate the big fall vegetable (berry?) treat, there still is bear poop around, so they haven't settled down to hibernate yet, they eat anything available it seems. Also the deer, mice, raccoons and skunks, and maybe the foxes (they like sunflower seeds) will probably enjoy them, and let's not forget all the bugs, slugs, and digesting microbes.
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