Oh, I just finished watching A Woman of Heart and Mind again, the biography of Joni Mitchell, that was shown on PBS. I teared up more than a couple of times.
I've listened to her music for 37 years or so and she's been such a source of support, enjoyment, poetry, mentorship and inspiration.
The fact that she had to give up a child for adoption was so heart wrenching for me. We have adopted two girls because I couldn't have a child and I am so grateful that a woman allowed a child to be adopted by us. I can only imagine the pain she must have gone through and I hope she and other mothers who have allowed their children to be adopted can know the gratitude an adoptive mother has for the biological mother who has entrusted a child to her care.
I can see how she needed to be reunited with her daughter and start experiencing the love of a child and her grandchildren. Because of adoption I have been able to feel some of those things and realize how hard parenting is, how hard I must have been on my mother, and even though parenting is sometimes as difficult as hell to deal with, how much it smoothes out our rough edges and projects us toward wisdom. I think that aspect of life, maternal love, helps make us whole. Maybe now I will stop trying to baby my friends and smother them with maternal advice.
She is such a remarkable woman. I am so glad she is who she is. I really admire her. I love her music and always will.
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