A whole new world of music is opening up for me. I wrote earlier about finding Sirius on our tv satellite dish. Now with satellite internet, I'm really going to town. Last night I found radioio.com. What I really like is that you can find out right away what song is being played by what artist, then when you click on the search button, you find a Google search regarding that artist/song. You can then read the lyrics, look up information about the artist on Amazon.com, and visit the artist's web site. You also have the option of purchasing a download of the song.
Last night I was trying to play some spider solitaire while listening and for each song I had to check out all the background info. I loved every song. My solitaire games were taking a long time to complete.
This morning the selection isn't as remarkable as it was last night. I mean it's still good, but I haven't loved every song. So I actually have time to write a little without interruption.
It's a wonderful way to learn about new artists and to learn more about music. After reading Jim Walsh's City Pages column, http://blogs.citypages.com/jwalsh/, I started thinking how the love of music is similar in it's unification as is the love of sports.
One of the visiting Evergreen Philharmonic players had said to me he loved that his family could share the talk of sports over the breakfast table. I've not been into sports that much, I think because I was dragged to so many pro football and basketball and hockey games as a kid who was more interested in the concession stand and watching people.
But nowadays besides the sports lovers, there is a generation of music lovers who share their faves with each other and really get along because they have a mutual appreciation in common.
A couple of years ago, I worked as a waitress and one of my favorite activities was playing name that song or artist with a much younger waiter while listening to the kitchen help's radio. The music bridged a 30 year generation gap quite well. Now when I visit the same restaurant the bartender and a regular customer keep up the same routine.
One website I've read for a long time is iwilldare.com. Jodi, whose site it is, used to lament way too often about being lonely. I suggested a recreation volley ball team to her. That's how I met my husband, a group of pretty intellectual, relatively dorky friends would meet and play, drink beer if they wanted, most didn't, and then go out to dinner afterwards.
Jodi hasn't started playing volley ball, but she's met a wonderful group of people who share her love of The Replacements and Paul Westerberg. In fact she calls them the Westernerds. That coupled with her writing classes have turned her into a very socially active young woman. I'm glad she found people to share with. Even someone like me who really likes living in the boonies and treasures the peace and silence here, realizes that we need companionship to help develop our humanity. I guess that's why the Buddhists say that the sangha, or spiritual community, is so essential in spiritual growth. Music like sunrises and sunsets and the love of our children bridges geographic, age and cultural boundaries. I love that it, like any art, also involves human creativity. In that way we share a touch of divinity.
I program 2 radio stations for radioio (radioioROCK and radioioBEAT) and stumbled across your blog. Thanks so much for the kind words, we are one of the few players in the digital media community that has a real person behind every one of our 23 streams, all the time, and respond to every email. Let you streamhost know what you like and don't like anytime, or just make a suggestion. Do so by clicking the host's picture in your media player, we'd love to get your input! Just curious, what station were you listening to?
Robert Goodman
I was listening to radioio acoustic and really enjoyed the playlist Sunday evening. I'm going to try the rock genre too.
I used to live with a band, my boyfriend was the singer/lead guitarist and it was rock mixed with a little country (pedal steel player), like The Band, Grateful Dead, Waylon Jennings, Bob Wills.
I've always loved rock too. It will be a joy to post input. take care and thanks for reading.
ps. also, thanks to you and your colleagues for providing such a nice mix and the concept of being able to dig deeper into the musicians' background.
Just a little info on a few of the streams....
radioioROCK is alternative/indie rock... a history of it from the 1980's to now with a very strong focus on now...
radioioJAM is a focus on Jam bands, fromn the Greatful dead, to Phish to the Allman Bros. Rock, Country, Jazz and more.
RadioioHISTORY is the History of Rock, from the 50's to the late 90's. The artists that made a difference, all the musical "watershed" moments are here.
Radioio70's is a great look at 70's album oriented rock.
RadioioEclectic is mixture of almost everything...Very good for those of us who love to hear amazing new sounds mixed in with a huge variety of music representing out pasts as well. Eclectic is The "Original" RadioioChannel.
RadioioUnlimited is an even larger mix of all kinds of sounds... from the 1930's to last week, it all lives on Unlimited.
And every other channel is just as amazing, I believe we are the only service where each and every channel has over 3000 (in some cases over 10,000!) songs in rotation so you never stop hearing new things, whether you like new OR old music. And we're growing. 25 new channels expected next year, 10 new ones are expected to go live by the end of January.
Sorry, to sound like an ad, but I love our devotion to music. :)
Again, glad you found us, please keep in touch :)
If you listen while you are woking, try radioioBEAT...I have a lot of listeners tell me it makes the day melt away... :)
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