The kids are on winter break as of today. It worked out well because Ana had a snow board trip planned. We had to get up around 5:00-5:30 am so we could get her to the school on time for the bus that takes them up for their lesson.
Emma and I also got up along with Dave who was driving her to the elementary school. We arranged to meet him at the Village Inn for breakfast after he dropped her off. We left while the moon was still a silver sliver wrapped in foggy frost in the dark blue morning sky. As we rode down from our house the sky became resplendent with pinks, blues, magentas, reds and oranges. It was just beautiful.
I happen to be one of those people who loves to watch a sunset on a beach with a glass of wine. I really love sitting in the sand and watching the sun's exit. This morning was comparable, only the sun was rising. Emma couldn't believe how beautiful it was and has planned to wake up early tomorrow to take photos of the new sunrise with the disposable camera she talked me into buying her.
She said she couldn't believe that we got up when it was still night and the moon was like that and the sky was glowing with color. I've forgotten how magical that time of morning is and what a reward we receive for getting up early.
We both sat on one side of the booth waiting for Dave so we could look out the window and watch the sunrise fade.
We had to go on to the grocery store to get pet food for the dog and cats. As we were checking out a man in front of us was trying to buy a bunch of bananas. He was interesting looking with graying hair pulled back in a pony tail. He used his credit card and it wasn't working. The cashier came around from her register and retried sliding it to see if she could get it to work. It wouldn't and he had to walk away without his food.
I felt really bad and said if he's still around I could put his bananas on our bill. I ran out toward the door and didn't see him. The cashier said if she had some money on her she would have paid for his bananas. I kept thinking about him trying to buy something healthy and filling for not very much money.
After we checked out and packed the dog and cat food in the car. I was looking around the parking lot to see if I could find him walking. We drove out of the lot and I kept looking for him to see if he was heading toward the interstate for a ride. We kept driving and pulled into the next shopping area and drove back through it back to the grocery store looking for him. As we completed a full circle and were heading back out the way we had just left from, Emma spotted him sitting on the sidewalk waiting for the shuttle for a ride.
I didn't have any dollar bills, but I had two Sacajewea dollars that Ana had used to pay me back a loan with her tooth fairy money. I thought about those, and then thought about the two twenties and the ten in my wallet. We stopped in front of him and Emma ran and handed him a ten. I told him I wanted him to go buy his bananas.
He was smiling and thanked us and said he'd just gotten out of jail and his credit card wasn't working.
As we were leaving Emma said that that made her feel really good to help someone. It did. When someone wants something as simple as food, it's hard not to help.
After we got home Emma looked outside the kitchen window to see a chocolate lab that I had met hiking the day before. Apparently she's being dog sitted by a neighbor and must have followed Jake up to our house when he went out.
We walked her all the way back to the neighbor's, maybe a mile round trip. On the way another neighbor, Lucy, who just turned 94 was riding with her son on the way to town. They stopped and her son asked how we had taught Jake to stay near our house and not run off or after cars. I said I didn't know, he just must be smart. He said what a wonderful dog Jake is, and that if there were a hundred dogs Jake would be the one you would want because he would just be more special than the other 99.
He is a great dog. He's so friendly and playful and smart. When I first saw him with the dog rescue people at Petsmart I KNEW I could go up and hug him and he would act politely, which he did. He's been such an asset to our family.
The chocolate lab is still sitting on our porch. She walked with us to Adam's house and she walked right back with us to our house. Lucy and her son told us that Adam and Maxine weren't at home, so I left them a message to let them know that she's here waiting. She's one of those dogs that you can tell likes you. She's older, and has worn spots on her elbows and a little bumpy wart popping out of the fur on the top of her head. She really didn't want to frolic with Jake, no matter how often he would spring in front of her and jump away trying to get her to chase him. She just stuck with me on our hike through the snow and trees yesterday.
As we rounded past Adam's house yesterday after the hike, I stopped at the foot of his driveway and she paused and then started ahead of me away from his house toward our house. Luckily he spotted her and called and called and she trotted up the drive to his home. He has three or four other dogs and they were all barking. Just like they were today when we tried to return her.
Maybe she is our Elijah, coming to visit. Adam and Maxine are Jewish and I noted that the calendar says that Chanukah starts today at sunset. I think a seat is left empty for Elijah at dinner on Friday night. I don't know if it's on Chanukah or another holiday.
It's nice to have an animal like you like that. It's nice to see a beautiful sunrise. It's nice to help someone in need. Today has been a good day.
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