Here are some more of the shots inside the rocks that form the ice cave. In the really dark area where there was a little water fall, we didn't have our flashlight with us, and I was precariously poised on a rock trying to take pictures. The ones in that area are blurred. The ones in the lighter area don't quite give the feeling of being in the rooms formed by the rocks, but at least they aren't all blurry. Next time before we climb in (the photo of Dave climbing out in the previous photos below looks like he's emerging from a birth canal) we'll remember to take the flashlight, not leave it with our picnic stuff outside the rocks.
The photos above of Dave with the flashlight in a lower room (we went back and got the flashlight) show the difference without and with the camera flash on the camera--which I should have turned on while poised on the rock in the dark).
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